Why subscribe?

I spent most of 2020 stewarding a writing project resulting in the anthology Whiteness Is Not an Ancestor: Essays on Life and Lineage by white Women. “A timely and thoughtful discussion about the intersection of gender & White privilege.” — Kirkus Reviews.

Here’s where to learn more about this book & the accompanying online conversation series: www.cab-publishing.com.

My roles include Director of the Center for Ancestral Blueprints and CAB Publishing. www.ancestralblueprints.com.

American democracy is sourced in the violence of whiteness. Whiteness was created in groups. It will take groups to de-authorize it.

Note to white people: no one is going to pay you to do this.

I’m offering this newsletter out of love for and belief in our shared humanity.

My name is Lisa Iversen.

Subscribe to whiteness is not an ancestor or citizen

whiteness is not an ancestor or citizen


Descendant and future ancestor just like you.